Botox Specialist - Frown Lines
Frown Lines Making You Look Angry?
Many people feel self-conscious about their brow because they feel they look mean or angry even when they feel good inside and are happy. Variations in eyebrow contour, drooping of the upper eyelid, and wrinkles may be conveying facial expressions that don't necessarily match how patients are feeling. In situations like these some people may prematurely opt for brow lift surgery. However, wrinkle relaxers like Botox, Xeomin or Dysport can be good non-invasive alternatives in addressing and even preventing frown lines.
Glabella lines (also called frown lines or the “11’s”), develop over the years as we contract the muscles between our brows that make us seem to concentrate, frown or squint. Over time we develop one or two lines or grooves between our eyebrows.
When wrinkle relaxers are correctly applied to the Glabella, a naturally looking result can be achieved by slightly raising the eyebrow and rejuvenating your overall appearance.
Botox For Frown Lines That Look Natural
The muscles between the brows that cause vertical lines when frowning pull inward and downward, so when a wrinkle relaxer like Botox (or Dysport) is properly placed, there should be no loss of the ability to lift the brows, which comes from a different muscle.

Botox for Frown Lines Before/After

Botox for Frown Lines Before/After

Botox for Frown Lines Before/After
Case Description Actual Patient
When wrinkle relaxers like Botox , Xeomin or Dysport is correctly injected into the Glabella, a naturally refreshed result can be expected. Notice how this patient's brow has been slightly raised giving her a naturally fresh and rejuvenated overall appearance
The frown lines are a result of the glabella muscles pulling downward and inward. You may wish to settle for some but not a fully frozen set of glabella muscles so that there is less contraction of the area and in time less chance of developing deep lines.
This is why more millennials are turning to botox wrinkle relaxers for not only treatment of frown lines but also as a preventative. When botox is skillfully injected, you should be able to maintain your ability to raise your eyebrows. Proper dosing will not only resolve or improve the frown lines, but also offer a nice, natural looking inner brow lift
.Avoiding Problems with Botox and your Frown Lines
There are many cases of botox being misplaced or overdosed in the glabella area, which can affect that muscle in an unwanted fashion, causing the brows to feel heavy. To achieve the best, most natural looking results, whether it’s’ Botox, Xeomin or Dysport, it must be placed in the right muscle, in the correct place, at an ideal dose, by an experienced injector.
Naturally Refreshed Frown Lines
Using Botox for frown lines is a great way to reduce the look of tension or anger. By simply reducing the frown line between the eyebrows, many of our patients feel as though they look more refreshed and approachable in their work place and/or social life.
From New York to Long Island, the number one thing patients want are treatments that help them achieve a naturally refreshed, rejuvenated version of themselves rather than a fake frozen look. By being conservative and offering free touch-ups for her botox treatments, we insure consistently natural results. View our photo gallery for examples of consistently natural looking botox treatments for frown lines.

To achieve the best most natural looking results Botox must be placed in the right muscle, in the correct place, at an ideal dose, by an experienced injector. Like all of the pictures on FacesRefreshed.com, the above is a typical result of an actual patient of Lynnette Allen, NP-C