Lips Enhancement Specialist
Dermal Fillers for Lips Injections
Who doesn't want beautiful lips? Lips play a pivotal role in our sensual and emotional life. If you’re like many people, you may view Your Lips as being synonymous with your attractiveness, youthfulness, and kiss ability. Skillfully done Lip Enhancement can help you with the proportion, contour, and volume of your lips.
There are a full range of desires when it comes to natural looking lip enhancement.Often when patients come in for the first time they are often worried of looking “overdone” or having the dreaded “duck lips.” This is where your choice of a skilled injector who also has an artful eye like Lynnette Allen, NP-C can make the difference.
Lynnette Allen, NP-C offers lip injections in her discreet, yet centrally located private office in Huntington Long Island New York. As a simple in office procedure, she can re-inflate your lips to give you that attractive, natural looking and full lips you’ve always wanted.
Lip Injections - Avoiding The Feared "Duck Look"

Kardachian style lips is what some women desire as their "Perfect Pout"

Kardachian style lips is what some women desire as their "Perfect Pout"
Case Description
In this case, the patient desired fuller "Kardashian" style lips. Outlining of the lips and adding volume to both the upper and lower lips helped to achieve her desired perfect pout.
Lip enhancement is about giving patients the shape that they desire and is proportionately appropriate for their face, not just big lips. The art in lip enhancement injections is in the technique used to inject the correct filler as well as molding and shaping the lips. The perfect lip enhancement is about giving the lips a natural, sexy appearance. Just making the lips bigger is not beautiful or appropriate. Enhancing the size while creating a shape makes your lips look more naturally youthful. With a skilled injector like Lynnette Allen, NP-C, lip enhancement can create a cupid’s bow and improve the overall shape of the lips without a “fake” or “overdone” appearance. Lynnette Allen, NP-C likes to start off with less rather than more, to avoid the "duck look" that patients fear.
Lip enhancement done right offers a fresh, naturally rejuvenated look and is possible without surgery. Using a variety of FDA-approved dermal fillers, like Juvederm Voebella, Lynnette Allen, NP-C offers a unique approach to lip enhancement for patients in both New York and in Long Island that addresses 3 tell-tale signs of aging:
1. thinning lips,
2. wrinkles around the mouth,
3. and deep facial creases.
In one sitting, you can be on your way to a naturally looking fresher face with instantaneous results that will keep you smiling and proud to show off your “perfect pout”.
How to Get the Best Natural Looking Lip Results With Lip Injections
Because everyone’s lips are different and unique to that individual, there's no way to describe "the one" technique for lip enhancement. A skilled injector will look at the patient's anatomy, age, current state of volume, the overall place the lips have in relationship to the rest of the face, and the goals of the patient to achieve a natural looking lip result. Here are some things to think about to get great natural looking lip results without looking like a duck:
Seek out an experienced injector in your community who can provide you with actual client before and after results. Not just stock photos.
Discuss your goals thoroughly with your injector.
A really good injector will explain why they plan to use a particular filler and why they plan to place the filler in a particular way.
The above is important for your understanding of the expected outcome and to insure both you and the injector are on the same page with the goals you are seeking.
Be realistic. Kardashian type lips may look good on Kim Kardashian, but might not be a realistic goal for you based on the structural anatomy of your lips and their proportion to the rest of your face.
Be willing to be conservative; it's easier to add more or “layer” your filler after a few weeks than it is to remove it (although removing a hylauronic acid filler is easy, it’s just a rather wasteful use of your dollars). Actually, layering is a great way to extend the results of your lip enhancement.
Lasting Results For Your Lip Injections in Melville, Long Island, and New York

Be realistic with lip injections. Not everyone wants or can have Kardashian type lips. The structural anatomy of your lips and their proportion to the rest of your face has a lot to do with your results.
Lip enhancement with the newer RESTYLANE and JUVÉDERM family of products Like REFYNE and VOLLURE are indicated to typically last as long as 18 months. Your individual treatment results may vary depending on the type of filler used, body metabolism and your life style. Lynnette Allen, NP-C offers highly personalized Lip Injection Treatments in a comfortable, discreet and relaxing atmosphere at her Huntington Long Island NY office. All treatments are customized to the individual patient and all services are priced as affordably as possible.